A Mad Tear refers to boning anything and everything that will hold still long enough. often referred to as going on a mad tear or he is on a mad tear
I went on a mad tear last week and now it burns when I pee.
being high, frustrated or irritated at the same time while smoking
usually combined with "hangover" to describe "the dorm drunk"
esp. used in ARMSTRONG
Cabin of Mad Tom Hangover is inhibited by Deana
When a person says a "big word" in a sentence and repeats it afterwards in a higher tone.
"Ganto example ng MAD Humor. Hala ang sophisticated ng wording mo"
A song from the band P Lander Z. Usually in refernece to an out of control friend or someone who is a party animal while funny is bordeline insane.
Dude i can't wait to party with Fernie, he's a mad tiger!
It means insane. Because when a snake gets chopped in two it goes crazy (don't try at home)
He was as mad as a cut snake.
Said to someone who is trash and literally dog water at the said activity the person is part-taking in.
Damn, son why can’t you walk, you mad donkey shit.