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George W Obama

What is said by libertarians to describe their feelings about the dumb, big government new president.

Michael Moore: Barack Obama shows a victory for socialism and a move towards socialized medicine.
Ron Paul: Are you kidding! George W Obama is a horrible president. He supported the bailouts! Hes an insane leftist.

by jockass July 4, 2009

36πŸ‘ 338πŸ‘Ž

George H. W. Bush

Ronald Reagan's Vice-President who became elected the 41st President of the United States (for the first time since the Martin van Buren/Richard Mentor Johnson administration!), serving from 1989 to 1993; he recognized the Disability Rights Movement and made his predecessor's negotiations to end the Cold War a successful endeavor. But because his campaign promise was broken, he lost his bid for re-election to Bill Clinton in 1992 and became a humanitarian activist after leaving the White House.
Also known as Dubya's father and the last World War II veteran to be elected to the Oval Office.

"Read my lips: no... new... taxes!"
-George H. W. Bush's prominent sound bite, from his speech at the 1988 Republican National Convention.

by LaserVideoTube June 30, 2022

George Fisher Middle School

The type of school that will give you depression. It’s filled with white ass people that are mostly fake. The teachers teach irrelevant things and try to stuff them in your brain. People in the school always having lower self esteem because of the white kids that go to the school. You always get lunch detention for the dumbest reasons ever. The chances of you getting kicked off of something social being held at school (ex: ice ball) is 75% for something that’s not even serious. πŸ™„

George Fisher Middle School

by @hoodgurlz December 7, 2018

King George High School

In the middle of the shitty county of King George, lays the waste of a building, refed to as KGHS. Where the kids are higher than the celling, the teachers "like" kids more than their spouses . Lastly the bathrooms are flooded with smoke during lunch

Bro: Dude, do you go to King George High School?
Dude: Yeah bro
Bro: That really sucks bro

by BigAndThiccBoi69 October 27, 2021

George W. Bush

1. A phrase/noun used to make liberals go crazy.
2. A phrase/noun used to expose the unstableness and mental disorder that is liberalism.
3. Protector of the United States of America against Terrorism (Thank you Military)

American: "George W. Bush is President."
Anti-American Liberal: "Liar, Thief, No Blood for Oil, Tax cuts for the Rich"

by Scumlung June 11, 2008

12πŸ‘ 98πŸ‘Ž

Prince George Dinner Jacket

Also known as a "PG Dinner Jacket".

Prince George is the largest city in northern British Columbia, Canada, and is the centre of the regions forestry industry.

Temperatures in and around Prince George can fall below -20 degrees celsius in the winter months and warm clothing is a necessity. Many of the areas inhabitants wear the classic Stanfield-made "Island Tuxedo" wool undergarment sweater in combination with a flannel or plaid outer jacket.

This flannel or plaid outer jacket has been dubbed the "Prince George Dinner Jacket" by the inhabitants of British Columbia to define it's rugged characteristic. Those who dawn it endure environmental hardships on a consistent basis. The inhabitants of northern BC wear this style of clothing on a fairly regular basis when heading in for dinner at home or out for dinner in town, hence it's title of "Dinner Jacket" emerged.

Many of those living in warmer areas of British Columbia, like Vancouver, will wear this clothing as well, and it is said they are, "Dawning their PG Dinner Jacket".

You see someone wearing a plaid or flannel outer jacket in a casual setting that does not suit it's intended use, "Hey, nice PG Dinner Jacket" or "Hey, nice Prince George Dinner Jacket, you going to go buck wood?"

It is cold outside, "Better wear the ol' PG Dinner Jacket today, boy!"

Many of those enjoying recreational activities in the vast British Columbia wilderness will not leave home without their, "Prince George Dinner Jacket".

by RoamCanada November 24, 2011

10πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

King George the III of England

Born: 4th of June 1738
Reigned: 1760 - 1820
Died: 1820
His reign marked thew loss of the American Colonies. After the Boston Tea Party in 1773.
He also created the Buckingham Palace and the English word sandwich during a game of cards.
After the death of French king Louise the XVI George worried that he was next this drove him to the point of insanity and also made him blind.
His son George IV of England ran as regent as his father recovered from his illness.
Eventually the king returned to normal but he was still blind.
Later 60 years into his reign he died.

King George the III of England was the first Hanoverian to be born in Briton.

by CoolMintman11 February 10, 2021