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UDT Syndrome

UDT syndrome is called "Uncontrollable Double-Tap" syndrome. You can know if you are experiencing this syndrome if you double-tap almost everything on Instagram. However, this definition applies more to people who accidentally like someone's 64 weeks old picture.

Person: "Why are you liking all the pics?"
Person 2: "uhjj ever heard of UDT syndrome?!"


Person A: "I liked my ex-boyfriend's photo from 128 weeks ago!!!"

by QuickFeetDawgg June 19, 2015

Instagram syndrome

When mostly girls think that they are fat, obese, ect. when they have normal healthy weight and they want to lose big portion of their weight. Example: From 65kg to 50kg.

It is really hard, maybe impossible to fix this.

Tom: My girlfriend thinks that she is fat and she wants to lose weight.
Jerry: Standard Instagram syndrome.

by PanDavey January 6, 2022

Bruno syndrome

Bruno syndrome is a syndrome where there is no brain and only Bruno madrigal (from encanto)

Person 1: I have Bruno syndrome.
Person 2: whats that?
Person 1: I have no brain, only Bruno.

by 0li January 12, 2022

whale syndrome

A popular expression used by French Canadians, which depicts the urge to film and/or take as much pictures as possible of an event which seems amazing when seen in real-time, but appears devoid of interest when looking back at the footage and/or photos.

The expression's name relates to whale tours, a popular tourist attraction in Québec's Côte-Nord, during which this phenomenon is very frequent among newcomers.

Quebecer 1: Can you believe this? Aunt Jeanne managed to fill 3 memory cards with her photos from the whale tour...
Quebecer 2: Whale syndrome. Don't worry about it, that's a family trait. It's just like my grandfather who films fireworks shows.

by AgentRev September 27, 2011

Mitchell Syndrome

Having a hot/attractive mother.

Blake, You have Mitchell Syndrome

by JeremyWertz July 14, 2022

The Norris Syndrome

Syndrome named after Shaun M. Norris, prolific author of RISEN.

It is a mental issue when the frontal cortex of brain is deformed due to high inbreeding. The user becomes highly toxic, racist, homophobic, transphobic and sees himself as the absolute perfect human. The one above others who is never wrong.

Did you see the tweets he posted telling all members of LGBTQI+ suffer from mental illnesses and should be hanged?
Yeah… dude suffers from The Norris Syndrome.

by Mropdropp November 2, 2023

Birthday syndrome

When you become a massive dickhead to everyone, especially your sibling, just because you were pushed out of a vagina on this day.

Ricky: Mara has total birthday syndrome, i hate that bitch.

by QueenOfRain April 1, 2018