A mythical creature who resides in Dubuque County, Iowa.
A horse that produces milk for human consumption.
Amanda looked at Matt and said “look! A Dairy Horse”
The most glorious of horses known to mankind. Can do anything but fly and is tough to catch in the wild. Makes John Wayne look like a pussy.
Dude you see that swamp horse!!!
Naw what horse?
Never mind he just flew off.
an insult that you use on friends. wont work effectively on enemies/people you dislike.
friend 1 - go suck a horse
friend 2 - ouch.
Practicing the art of laziness of the body and mind.
Tell Lonnie to stop horse toothin’ around!! He’s always late!
A glitch in red dead original online that made a lot of people very angry the glitch makes you invisible so you can kill anyone without being detected
Player 1: Poppy is going to get the Ghost Horse quickly shoot him with the Emergency rescue rifle/ Explosive Rifle
Player 2: Ok no more Ghost Horse for poppy
A term describing frustration or exhaustion.
Synonym: Chrysler cars.
Jack: "This work is a pain in my rear *sputters*"
Jill: "Horses Minorses