someone that shag's on a tree.
someone that has sex on a tree is called a tree shagger
we are supporting for family tree maker. family tree maker released a new version of family tree maker 2019. Color coding, this is one of the features added in family tree maker 2019. You will be able to see the bloodline. if you have any problem so call us our toll-free number.
we are supporting for family tree maker. family tree maker released a new version of family tree maker 2019. Color coding, this is one of the features added in family tree maker 2019. You will be able to see the bloodline. if you have any problem so call us our toll-free number.
Feet that look as if they would assist in climbing a tree.
His feet are huge, he has tree climbing feet.
To insult or throw shade.
When you throw shade & you're around the person.
A. When you have a gator on the line tied to a swamp tree it will shake it trying to get free
B. When a obese person tries to ride a rope swing tied to an old apple tree.
Bayou bandit: "looks like we's gots a gator on da line! and it's a real tree shaker!"
Jimbo: "HOSS gettin' on dat swing!! "
"DAMN! He's a gonna bees a real a tree shaker!"
When a male ejaculates onto a random girls leg.
Did you hear about Rachel? She got Philadelphia Dollar Tree’d the other day. She said her leg was covered in jizz.
The TBHK AU where Kou is really sad and a tree kills his sister and stuff.
I have a really bad addiction to it.
“Do you know Tree Sister?”
“You’ll know soon.”