The act of defecating into a large sock then tying it and swinging it around. This is commonly used as a powerful weapon.
The religous practice of removing ones penis, but leaving the scrotum intact; thereby eliminating the abilty to perform sexual acts but not the desire. Often performed by Buhdist monks.
Monks have it rough! Imagine never being able to rub one out!
Because they have a Monk Sack!
Nut Sack Turbulance can mean many things!
1) Randomly Grabbing your nut sack and stuff!
2) Nutting with your nut sack and stuff and it causes Turbulance because the Nut Sack keeps moving.
3) Nutting with your nut sack while watching porn or cartoon porn and your brother or friend interrupts you, so you have the "which online girl is hotter" contest while nutting and wearing pants. Usually ends in going to the gym later.
4) Nutting the sack and there's pants covering it while in random outside places or the bathroom or office.
In almost all scenarios, you achieve PNC, then the mind gets clearer. Then you go to the gym later.
Edward: Nutting the sack in the bathroom to get ready to talk about Wall Street stuff.
*Nut Sack Turbulance!
Achieves PNC. Mind gets clear.
Blah blah blah trading stuff.
Wealth increases.
Does ten push-ups!
Nut Sack Turbulance is when you bust a nut to pr0n or cartoon pr0n and there's Turbulance. Sometimes you're just grabbing your nutsack and it causes mini Turbulance. You could probably bust to random videos and it causes Nut Sack Turbulance. Earthquakes and Destroyed cities and more. Not literally though, LOL!
Tyler: Busts to a random video or to pr0n with random music playing in the background or cartoon pr0n sometimes.
*Destroying cities!
*Crushed buildings!
* Nut Sack Turbulance ends.
Andre: What did you do?! EVERYTHING IS DESTROYED!
Tyler: *Grabs nuts.
*mini Turbulance.
*mini Turbulance ends.
*goes for a run.
The handkerchief tied around a stick when running away. Or when you’re deaf and can’t see a baseball glove on a baseball bat
“Oh, there she goes again with her packy sack”
A term used for huge, hard balls.
Ethan has destroyed two buildings with his wreck sack.
to cuddle
to be used as a noun
Hey Bob, lets have a snuggle sack later.