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A Guy which has a huge dick and always smokes weed

when max is in the room, everything smells like weed

by john xinaa November 25, 2021


Max is a charming, calm and laid back guy. He can be shy or a loud guy. If he was a cat he would be a black cat, black cats are none for being mysterious.


by babibaddiboo January 12, 2023


a dumbass

he is such a max

by waaaaaaa541 October 6, 2021


Max is an awesome person. He loves sports, is the most loyal friend someone could have and is one of the funnest people you have ever met. Hold onto Max, he will be one of the greatest friends you will ever have.

Guy 1: Who’s that guy over there, he looks awesome
Guy 2: Ih that’s Max, he is the greatest person I have ever met

by MacAndCheese358 November 23, 2021


They type of guy to make others feel great about themselves even though hes the saddest of them all. He makes alot of stupid mistakes that could have been avoided easily. He cares for all his friends as if they were family he will do anything for them to the point where he becomes under their control. if you find a Max keep him he's worth it!

your a total max.

by Tyler black July 24, 2019


He hates niggers.

Max hates black people.

by ggbta November 22, 2021


E cel mai bun câine max e viatza mea pup franco

E cel mai bun caine max e viatza mea pup franco

by Patri14 June 21, 2020