Source Code

Poke War Grace Period

The two day period of time allotted between receiving a poke on Facebook, and returning said poke. Instilled in order to prevent sitting on Facebook for days.

Bill: "HAHA you haven't poked me back all day! I win!"

Andrew: "Dude, haven't you ever heard of the poke war grace period? I still have another day!"

by PokeMaster101 January 3, 2012

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I declare a thumb war

I declare a thumb war is the phrase used when 2 people decide to have their thumbs go to war.

1,2,3,4, I declare a thumb war. 5,6,7,8, try to keep your thumb straight.

by Puppybcm February 12, 2023

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

yell-down war hell ride

1) What Birdman does to you if you tresspass on his property (as sited by Wesley Willis)

2) When someone yells at you until you go crazy

"Birdman beat me to a pulp
He gave me a yell-down war hell ride
He told me that he was going to kill me if I don't get off his real estate
He gave five minutes to get in my Bronco and hit the rookie road"
--Wesley Willis (Birdman Kicked My Ass)

by Mike and Jeff April 16, 2006

35๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

r/TheLetterH-r/TheLetterG War

One of The Letter Wars where r/TheLetterH fights r/TheLetterG.

I'm Gonna Join the r/TheLetterH-r/TheLetterG War rn.

by Void-The-Umbreon. March 15, 2022

Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga

The best possible game, created by a team of the best possible game developers. A titan of the industry, it is the grandfather of the modern gaming industry.

I am off to play Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga on my Nintendo licensed home video game console tiled the Wii.

by SpicesFromItaly February 18, 2021

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Call of Duty: World at War

A fun world war II game, similar to that of Call of Duty 4. A game in which PrZ DismaY will shit on you in, number 1 gamebattles team. Even tough there are way too many 10 year olds who play this game its still fun to hear them cry afterwards.

PrZ DismaY will shit on you in Call of Duty: World at War

by PrZ DismaY December 17, 2008

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Star Wars Expanded Universe

The Star Wars Expanded Universe is defined as the mass amounts of literature, games, comics and other paraphernalia released as a simple tie-in for children primarily in the period up until April 2014. It was then since branded as "Legends" with a newer, better and less bloated canon and new Expanded Universe springing itself from it.

It is generally advised to immerse in the new Expanded Universe over the old one as the newer one will always remain relevant and will cause less fans to go bananas and spoil important movies.

Star Wars fan 1: "Which of the Star Wars Expanded Universe do you like?"

Star Wars fan 2: "The new one of course!"

Star Wars fan 1: "Good answer. The grass is truly not greener on the other side. I heard liking the old Expanded Universe makes anyone be a dick and spoil movies for people."

Star Wars fan 2: "Ah ok, thanks for the heads up."

by Hidalgo Rules! March 18, 2016

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