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asshole lasso

When someone has had alot of anal sex so they are stretched out they will spin around and try to wrangle the penis or other object with there asshole similar to cattle wranglers on a farm

Those Christian girls that use the poophole loophole are wild she was able to use her asshole lasso to take all three of us at the same time.

by 27Zbowman April 30, 2019

Sick asshole

An individual with little or no moral compass that’s takes advantage of anyone and everyone. Someone obnoxious with no filter who puts you down for no reason .

I helped Michael move today for 8 hours and all he did was complain about everyone he knows and never even thanked me . What a sick asshole

by Tommy karate November 18, 2021


The SEX ORGAN that has nothing to do with SHIT. Note that the ASSH0LE ASSHOLE opens and closes for everybody's convenience.

I never flush my ASSH0LE ASSHOLE down any HUMAN TOILETS or other TOILETS.

by FECESRIMJOB March 22, 2021

International be an asshole day

On March 1st, it is your moral and ethical obligation to be an asshole to everyone and u can’t be nice at all u less it is absolutely necessary

Timmy got a frog stapled to his face because he celebrated “International be an asshole day”

by Mrpoopybutttttttthole March 1, 2021

Alcoholic asshole


"bro I'm a silly little alcoholic asshole and have nothing else to do than drink and fuck twinks"


by Am not gay February 1, 2023

My asshole is green

You ass hole is blue

Ah shit My asshole is green

again can’t sit for a week

by Digbivk6969 November 14, 2019

You're assholes

No... No. It's not the devaluation of human life...

Hym "It's the 'you're assholes.' Anyone who let's you trick them into believing that YOU believe that the value of THEIR LIFE is ANYTHING OTHER THAN 'Less...' is a retard. Because it will ALWAYS be less. Less than your wife. Less than your kid. Less than the fat-cock you fuck behind your boyfriends back. ALWAYS."

by Hym Iam March 6, 2024