some old people shit
granny: where's the beef
Dylan: stfu granny
Roast beef is where the vaginal flaps look almost like a kebab dropped on the floor and picked back up shaped into a coochie this is nicknamed roast beef because peoples flaps can b brown
My coochie meow eow is not pink because I’m brown
RoAsT bEeF
The roast beef is where you eat your girl out with gravy on her pussy.
"Time to dig into some roast beef"
When the foreskin of a man, is a little too long, and a lot a dirty.
Yo, I was hooking up with Craig last night and he had MAD Sloppy Beef. I ran outta there in 2 seconds flat
Refers to making high risk but high reward decisions.
Comes from Evbo’s Minecraft YT series “Parkour Civilization” where noobs in the civilization are forced to choose between making an easy jump for raw chicken or a more difficult jump for raw beef (which fills your hunger bar more) instead.
“Why is he jumping for the beef?”
- Parkour noob while watching another parkour noob fall into the void after missing the beef jump.
A slang term for a womans vagina.
This 10 stack of hamburger patties looks like Freya's Beef Pocket