An absolute Bollocks. This man has so many slurs in his arsenal that he will start spewing them out his rear end. A true treat to be around when he isn’t aggressive (horny).
British Charlie is such a slag.
Charlie male is someone meek that is at a lower hierarchy status than beta males. A charlie male is a virgin who enjoys playing military games like Call of Duty and Counter-strike, and therefore it is the third in the phonetic alphabet.
Roderick Simons had his pants zipper open while playing some waifu game on oculus rift while streaming on discord. He's a typical charlie male.
every day is charlie hate day or you could say hate month! we hate that fag and his small todger
hey did you know its charlie hate month nigers
Charli Buck is the most incredible person I’ve ever met and I love her so much and I hope she feels the same
Charli Buck is me gf
viewed by most as a fat,idiotic,wimp but will love u unconditionally
omg hes like charlie klowss
awww i miss charlie klowss
Someone no one likes he’s a fat bitch who eats kfc everyday he’s stuck in the Y half. He is a person who never leaves his house and is shit at everything
Guy:who’s going to the party? Guy2: Charlie Cossy Guy: ok I’m not going
charlie bachman is a famous tiktoker!! they have many ladies and lots of dollars😈
I am charlie bachmans biggest fan!! she is my favorite influencer😇