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douche bag

1. A devise that females use to clean them self.
2. A close friend or person you know that is acting stupid.
3. A word you would call someone that you dont like.

1. My vagina was smelly so i had to use my douche bag.
2. You ate a rat for 20 bucks your such a douche bag.
3. I hate you so much ur giant smelly douche bag!

by josh capell March 19, 2008

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douche pop

The physical worn collar of a cum guzzling frat boy.

Ladys beware of the frat boys with a douche pop.

by Patacos June 26, 2009

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A person so mean and rude you can't just call them a "duche" or "dick"

You: That guy took up two spots and then spilt his drink on half the people here.

Friend: What a douche-dick.

by TickleMeSilly March 27, 2014

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Douche Twaddle

The act of being a total asshole or douche to someones friends and or important family member.

Cameron is being a total douche twaddle to her friends! What a terrible boyfriend.

He is such a douche twaddle.

by Asain Kid Rosenman December 19, 2010

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Douche Canoe

See "Donald Trump"

Just when I thought there couldn't be a bigger Douche canoe ...Donald Trump came along

by Mysticman57 March 6, 2017

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douche canoe

Douche: object for cleaning a womans vagina.

Canoe: Small boat.

Douche Canoe: Small boat full of douches. OR! A person who should be insulted in a vulgar, yet confusing way.

Person 1: Dude, you ate my last Twinkie! You douche canoe!

Person 2: Huh? What did you just call me...?

by Amroc January 14, 2008

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cooch douche

A particularly lovely squirt bottle that a bitch jams up her cooch to get rid of a) the smell of rotten goat testicles and b) the remnants of last night's man-whore

See also: Connie Coochface

by Cassandra Van Rooyen June 2, 2004

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