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Schenectady High School

A high school with horrible attendance records and horrible student grades. located in the hood.
has fights almost daily.

bro, schenectady high school is wildin

by shitza January 7, 2020

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Riverside High School

a basic hell hole with no a/c at all including fights shoot ups if possible and autistic kids screaming down the halls and where all bus drivers will always allow the white kids to say any words they want except for black kids any swear they say immediately they get a detention and where the teachers are also racist and if you just finish your homework when he passes you and you say you just finished he'll say to hell with it no longer matters to me you just get an F and a detention

person1: where do you go to school
person2: riverside high school
person3: good luck living

by mark johnberg October 1, 2018

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Jerome high school

Jerome is filled with fake people. This is a place were the road work last longer than most relationships, where fuckboys ask for forgiveness (Pedro) and act rich with there fake supreme.

Person one: I’m from Jerome high school
Person two: is that far?
Person one: No it’s close to here
Person two: Do you know the f*ck boy P*dro?
Person one: doesn’t he have fake supreme!

by Bootysnacher February 1, 2019

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Ticonderoga High School

A school where Teen pregnancy makes you popular. The girls in this school have no clue how to close their legs and it's not uncommon for them to date their best friends ex's. As long as you've got a dick an are good at sports, you are treated like a god. If you've got a vagina, welll then you might as well drink bleach. The freshmen and sophomores assume that they run the school, which makes the upperclassmen pissed, but they don't give enough fucks to do anything about it. Cheating is also common due to the various whores that run around the halls with their ass and tits hanging out, claiming themselves as "hot." They infact smell like tunafish and plaster their makeup on, but fail to notice because they are all stuck up one another's asses. All the guys are gay for one another and constantly smack each other's asses in the halls, gym, bathroom, classroom etc. Everyone in this school is a fake ass bitch and stab, even their best friends, in the back. Word about things travel fast in this school, getting twisted along the way. Drugs are commonly passed throughout the halls during the school day, not making it hard to get "hooked up." Stay away from this school at all costs, who knows what diseases are in the air inside that school.

Stranger: Where did you go to school?
Ti Local: Ticonderoga High School.
Stranger: So a strip club.
Ti Local: .....basically.

by Scum bag March 19, 2017

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Princeton High School

Princeton High School, commonly referred to as Probationary High School, is the melting pot for dropouts of all races. Diseases roam freely throughout the ancient halls of princeton, and with help from the slutty students, have managed to transform this once immaculate school into a cesspool of trashy bimbos.

Mom, i think i have (Insert STD here)

Son, I hope you weren't hanging around Princeton High School again...

by Better then princeton April 12, 2010

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Millard High School

A school known for it's disturbing nature to the inferior Delta High. consisting of retarded jocks, loose eleven-teen year old girls, and constantly drunk Alumni roaming through its halls and sporting events. Students constantly complain about the lack of tobacco in school, and beg the super seniors (the term for alumni) to buy them tobacco, and other things otherwise unreachable to them.

I got me edumacated at Millard High School

by The awesome Duo September 5, 2008

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poquoson high school

Poquoson High School is a school is a school in Poquoson, Virginia filled with snooty bitches with redneck boyfriends. It's located in the middle of a swamp. They do, however, have high academic scores. It's comprised mostly of whites.

Hey what school do you go to?
Poquoson High School

by Nunyab December 4, 2013

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