Source Code

Play titty

Holding your cards close to your chest to keep others from seeing them.

Play titty with your cards so that your brother won't see them.

by Blue wiggle December 30, 2017

Wear Basketball and play overalls

Chinese people usually say this,means that they are laughing at "Little Blacks".

Let me see who Wear Basketball and play overalls.

by Wordrobers November 8, 2022

Playing Cards: Royal Flush

The gambler equinox weapon of Balanced Craftwars Overhaul. As I am typing this it is not currently released

I love the gambler class, Playing Cards: Royal Flush is so awesome.

by thatguywhoplaysrobloxandisadum June 14, 2023

Play with the chicken

To jack off

Im bouta play with the chicken

by July 5, 2023

big play small play

It's like Lizsie and Chris love

Lizsie and Chris are into big play small play

by My Highness June 4, 2022

Do you want to play mini games?

A word usually heard from 6 year olds playing gorilla tag.

An idiot: Do you want to play mini games?
A gorilla tag player who has a brain:SHUT UP NOBODY WANTS TO PLAY MINI GAMES.

by Helloijustamhere September 11, 2022

Playing Batman

Being very altruistic and self sacrificing.

I traded in my Trues for some Robins
He playing Batman, Fetty's gon' rob him

by Phil N. Goodman April 5, 2021