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anti-social cult

A private chat on the Danganronpa Roleplay Amino full of crackheads.
May terribly scar you.

My friend: Are you in any cults?
Me: Yes, I'm in the Anti-Social Cult.
My friends: Why

by Monokuma is a 1041 September 25, 2019

Social Enemedia

Extension of the word, "Enemedia," to include Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube, etc.

Used to describe how the bias of big social media companies promotes liberal (Leftist) causes and beliefs while shadowbanning, deleting, editing, deplatforming, demonetizing or demonizing conservative causes.

The Social Enemedia suspended Milo Yiannopoulos's account, yet keeps accounts active for violent leftists.

by randalllflagg August 8, 2019

Social Lysenkoism

Yeah, blame it on the libs.

Hym “Nice! Way to blame your social lysenkoism on the libs. Brilliant. What do you do about unearned privileged (like the privilege enjoyed by you nepotistic offspring)? Nothing! What do you do about unearned status? Prevent it at all cost! What do you do about unearned moral virtue?precent it at all cost!”

by Hym Iam October 28, 2022

Social Netlurking

The action of observing friends or complete strangers from the comfort of your own computer via social networking websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Myspace, Formspring, etc. When practiced correctly, a social netlurker can gather immense amounts of information on their subject(s). Any embarrassing and funny information gathered should be submitted to www.SocialNetlurking.com.

After last night's party, Amber was totally hitting on my 14 year old brother on his Facebook wall. I took a screenshot and sent it in to Social Netlurking before she could sober up, realize what she did, and delete it.

by katelynshelby August 12, 2010

Social Dymanic

The structure or atmosphere of a "crazy" or out of hand place.

raig: Man those dudes over there keep throwing weights ima tell em to settle down.
Jake: No bro! Your gonna disturb the Social Dymanic of the gym, Hype beasts and power clowns are what keep this gym going! They are just amped up.

by Capuchin for Hire August 12, 2023

Social Scat

Tweets and other social media entries left by an individual. Often studied and analyzed in order to draw conclusions about a persons online and offline personae. Currently not readily accepted as being reliable, although it is admissible in a court of law and may be used against you. Especially if you act like an asshole.

By following the social scat of the Boston Bombers many concluded that the younger brother was not a religious fanatic.

by Uchoose April 26, 2013

social media patriot

A person who defends the 2’nd Amendment and our right to bear arms on Facebook, Twitter and any other commonly accepted social media- yet refuses to be active in real world activities or meaningful efforts to defend Americans from tyranny.

Dude 1: Hey Anthony, you see how Winston posted all those “freedom isn’t free” and “don’t tread on my 2A” pics on his Facebook page?

Dude 2: “Yea Nick, but he never shows up for a rally at the statehouse! Talk about a Social Media Patriot...”

by 2ANJ October 15, 2018