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Tom is an outgoing person with a 6+ inch pp on average. He loves to spend time with people, and will make you laugh. He doesn’t date much, but instead analyzes the people he likes to determine whether he can have a good relationship with them. Toms are the best boyfriend any girl could ask for, and in bed will make her wetter than the Atlantic Ocean. Toms are rational, funny, and intelligent, but most importantly they can be sexy beasts. Any girl who dates a Tom is in for a good time, that is, she will be with someone who cares deeply about her and her interests. Any girl that gets to share a bed with a Tom will be in for the wildest ride for her life.

Girl: Who’s that?
Guy: I dunno, but he seems pretty funny and smart.
Girl: Ooh, I bet he’s a Tom. They’re pretty awesome.
Guy: Did I just get dumped?

by ForTheRepublic July 19, 2020


Short goes to Fairfield and is really small and so is his wood

Girl:hey tom
Tom:hey want to go out
Girl:ewww no your wood is tiny

by George burd October 22, 2019


Someone that hates being called Thomas (Because of Thomas the tank engine) and literally tells everyone that his name is Tom

Friend: Hi Thomas

Thomas: we do not speak of that name in others presence, you shall therefor present me as, Tom

by BeanLicker December 21, 2019


Tom is a famous Japanese YouTuber and streamer who produces videos for Minecraft, Fortnite and Roblox. She is also known for she's duo Seitom with Mirai (Shudo Mirai).

She used to use a turtle skin in Minecraft until 2022, but is now known for her pink bear character.

Me : Tom Tom videos are always great!
You : I agree! i watching Seitom / Tom's Video always!

by 5150zzz December 22, 2024


Literally the Devil. He is in love with God.

Watch out Tom is there.
Today is a Tom day
Did you see thierry and Tom?
Did Tom curse you?

by lion44444 March 22, 2023


Tom is the most handsome boy in the world. He has a massive penis like massive (12 inches) and great six pack. He is also extremely funny and great to be around.

Tom has an amazing six pack

by My brodem December 16, 2019


An epic gamer who plays the same game for hundreds of hours, yet somehow still has friends, bit of a loser but also a bit of a bigger loser, but is one of the homies

Tom is a loser, yet he's a homie doe

by ZeroRara July 18, 2021