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Ace Of All Clowns

Someone who is very cheerful and fun to hang around with. A person who will cheer you up, life up you mood!

Amaani is the Ace of all Clowns, she never fails to make me laugh!

by woqumshtbu12 February 9, 2021

scribbles d clown

Used to described someone who is mad and gone beyond the brink of rage and anger.

Hey, have you seen scribbles d clown down by the park?

Yeah I hear he was mocked recently..

by jayce dooling funy October 4, 2022

Cowardly clown (flake)

My best friend! :D

You: "I have an amazing friend"
Them: "who is it?"
You: "Cowardly clown! (aka flake)
Them: Cool!

You: Cowardly clown (flake) is a great friend that ive had for 4 years!

by Ily jenna. -komadea February 13, 2023

Peanut butter and clown nose

The finding of evidence that you were cheating on a significant other!

I saw your peanut butter and clown nose on the nightstand! It’s over.

by The aj gains November 28, 2020