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Jacob Ryan Beck

A Socially awkward man who also happens to star in the hit YouTube channel Ryan Beck as the little kid who also happens to make weird noises the whole time, sometimes makes fortnite highlights

Wow That Jacob Ryan Beck sure does run a quality youtube channel

by chuteeee August 2, 2021

davey jacobs

a homosexual newsboy. he is played by ben fankhauser in newsies the broadway musical. he’s known for being quirky and gay and knowing more stuff than the other newsies. he has a younger brother named les and a non-canon husband (jack kelly)

woah, it’s davey jacobs and his younger brother les!

by newsiesisamazing November 25, 2023

Jacob Pinsky

Jacob Pinsky is a shy, but kind kid. He is undergoing lots of stress, and has a phobia of crowded areas, due to P.T.S.D. from childhood. He is also not usually accepted, and normally keeps to himself

Oh, that poor kid is SUCH a Jacob Pinsky

by Gregor2363 April 16, 2020

Jacob Pinsky

Jacob Pinsky is a shy, but kind kid. He is undergoing lots of stress, and has a phobia of crowded areas, due to P.T.S.D. from childhood. He is also not usually accepted, and normally keeps to himself

Oh, that poor kid is SUCH a Jacob Pinsky

by Gregor2363 April 16, 2020

Jacob Fortin

This is a boy, or girl, (no one knows their actual gender) They enjoy playing FORTNITE and SHELLSHOCKERS 12 hours a day, 8 days a week. Looks pretty sick in his big ass gamer head phones. Kinda lowkey a thot and can easily finesse your bitch. Always bullies little girls named Liam. Some ppl might consider him a gay pedophile cuz he likes little boys named Ryan more than his girlfriend. Really enjoys music, mostly Ariana Grande and likes to participate in show choir. These poor kids tend to get bullied a lot but its ok cuz they have awesome girlfriends that write things on Urban dictionary for them.

Omg that guy is getting shoved into a locker, his name must be Jacob Fortin.

by fhcisbjdsbfjbasofbosafbosabgfo December 20, 2018

jacob rider

a Lil gay guy who likes to be gay and is rarely even a guy, call him a gay girl if you will. he, oops... she likes to ride sacks.

Jeff: ayo, u actin like a lil jacob ride, get off my lap

Jacob rider: ohhh yaa

by lil jacob rider October 31, 2020

Electronic Jacob

yaghoob barghi (in Persian) is a famous Vending machine located in Amirkabir university.
Since 2003 it has been the most popular object in the university.
Electronic Jacob has become the symbol of the university.

I can't wait to go to university and see Electronic Jacob again!

by Ahoura_g November 21, 2021