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Grav-i-titty Faux Pas

This occurs when sadly yet inevitably time and gravity take their toll on a woman’s breasts and they start to progressively hang lower and lower. The man still wants to get hot for her but this too becomes increasingly difficult so he fantasises in his mind back to when they were firm and young. Carried away by fond memories he reaches over to cop a feel and he accidentally puts his hand above where her tits actually are now and instead he winds up trying to squeeze the area where her tits used to be.

I had another Grav-i-titty Faux Pas two weeks ago and my wife still isn't speaking to me!

by Johnny DeWadd Watkins August 1, 2006

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

reverse titty fuck bum-brow

A variation on the classic titty-fuck.

Start in titty fuck position then stand up, lift one leg and flip that bitch round! Now squat on her face and proceed to rub your penis between her tits while she gives you a rim job.

Guy 1: That bitch thought she could get away with a regular titty fuck, but I spun that bitch round!
Guy 2: Did she eat your ass?
Guy 1: You know it!
Guy 2: Reverse titty fuck bum-brow?
Guy 1: Hell yeah!

by Art of war June 29, 2006

25πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

jesus titty f*ckin' christ

Used to express surprise, digust etc esp. in a comedy nature

See "Team America": As Michael Moore blows up Mount Rushmore, Spotswoode declares "Jesus Titty Fuckin....", just as the bomb goes off.

by David Hunt August 24, 2005

25πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Send a pussy and titty pics

Send a pic of ur pussy and titties to whoever ask but they can’t screenshot and send to others. They also have to send a dick pic back after

Send a pussy and titty pics means u have to send them the pics without declining

by Helping out the boys October 16, 2020

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National Grab Titties Day

On April 12th you go and grab your friends titties, challenge your friends and see how many titties you can grab

"Damn yo how many titties did u grab today man its National Grab Titties Day"

"Yo chill I only grabbed 11 titties"

"u don't know dae wayyyy"

by HeWhoGropes April 12, 2019

8πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

red-headed tittie bitch

Molly Ringwald is an American actress, singer, and dancer. She became popular with teenage audiences in the 1980s, as a result of her starring roles in the John Hughes movies Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club and Pretty in Pink.

Of course when referencing to some red-headed girl you don't know that looked hot, we do refer her as the red-headed tittie bitch.

Hey Joe, you know that red-headed tittie bitch that played in The Breakfast Club?

Oh yeah... Molly Ringwald! She is a pretty hot red-headed tittie bitch!

by MysteriousMax March 22, 2007

4πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

National Grab Tittie Day

April 15 is national grab tittie day! Start grabbing!

Yo my negro it’s national grab tittie day!

by Lelepepe456 April 12, 2019

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