Extremely crazy
A 15 on a 10-point scale of craziness
You can’t believe what you’re seeing because it is so freaking crazy
Dominique, the fake baby-toting lunatic, is x-ray cray. No doctor or meds can scratch the surface of what is brewing there. Run! Do not make eye contact les you get sucked in.
Extremely crazy, a 15 on a 10-point scale
Dominique is x-ray cray. Not even her bipolar meds can help her!
In lurvvvvvvvv
I ship peera and suchaaaaaaaaa, some would say I support Peerawit X Suchawadee
The most holism person you will ever meet, honestly they are so relatable.
x..random.x.tings..x Is the most caring person ever.
Something no one seems to have anymore.
"hello class today were going to talk about this shitty x chromosone which none of you have anymore you dumb fucks."
Means being with someone and the in the endinig not being with them...
far as me and that last dude he aint right he tryed too get in my mind with all types of shit an he have been n and x