National rat day!
This day is for all the rats in the world.
"Why are you with your ex today?"
"It's April 15th, National rat day! I'm celebrating her day."
National Date your 5th @ for a day. Why not
Today’s April 15th😳 @Pussytalentend is my 5th @🙄 welp.
The day an absolute legendary singer, Melanie Martinez, was born. Everyone should dedicate every April 28th to her.
Crybaby: April 28th, 1995 was my favorite day.
Other Guy: Why?
Crybaby: You wouldn't get it.
man 1: hey it’s april 4th 2068 let’s get together
man 2: why not i already dumped my wife for you baby
man 1: perfect
The anti-give money, relief; they owe you money, now
T: “ I don’t make the rules” *show pic that says* “national give someone $10 if they are shorter than you day!”
M: no it’s not. Shows real definition of April 19th