someone who is so insistent on getting his daily calcium that they need to yoink (often in a violent manner) your bones to achieve it. often a gym chad or a creepy guy next door, you never know who will take one or even two of your 206 bones.
Someone: Sorry guys, I reeeeeallly need my calcium today. *takes bones*
Victim(s): Damn it, I can't believe you've done this, you bone snatcher.
Y'all stop slandering my language. It's bon appétit not bone apple tea or bone apple teeth or idk what bitches it's Bon appétit, get it right. Fucking Americans I swear y'all ruin everything.
"Wow you're such a good cook babe. Well bone apple tea I guess?"
A stupid ass meme and copypasta that people thought was funny. Well it's not, it's dumb af. Originated from the equally stupid r/boneappletea subreddit.
Band kid: like when the food hella good and you bout to eat it you say bone apple tea its like french or some shit
Me: I'm sorry, did you mean to say "When you're retarded and you try to act like you're fancy before eating"?
Band kid: r/wooooooooosh
Me: r/FoundTheRedditard
A bone that looks hard but is soft and flabby to the touch.
Is it hard? No, it's a pudge bone.
Some gay ass shit gay French niggas say when they run up on you
Me:(cruising in my 'cedes)
GayFrenchNigga: Bone Jore Nigga wass happenin?(pulls glock on me)
Having sex with someone with whom you are quarrelling - i.e., boning while beefing.
Q: Hey, do you and your lady want to smoke some acid and go to the nickel arcade?
A: Nah, we’ve been beefing.
Q: So you’re not going out?
A: Nah, mostly we’re just arguing and beef-boning.
When you’re fucking a girl and she’s so flat it’s just bone.
I was fucking my girl and I pulled out and broke my dick on her flat ass. I guess I’m a bone smasher