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Stoner boner

When a man smokes dope, and as a result gets aboner, or can't control his sexual urges.

(Everyone in the examples is high as a kite)
Lexi: I gotta go-o-o you guys. Byebyeeee!!!
Robert: Hahahahaha okay. Can I have a hug?

Lexi: Ye-eah! Hahaha
(They hug)

Bystanders: *nervous laugh*

by pseudonym potatonym May 26, 2010

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Boner Alert

When your friend get a boner but doesn't know

Jacob-You excited for the speech
Justin-Yeah but , I'm a little nervous

Jacob-Just imagine everyone naked
Jacob-Oh shit! Boner Alert!

by Xx_billyxmayZ_xX January 9, 2016

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occupational boner

A relationship between 2 co-workers of the same gender (usually male) going beyond mere bromance, and entering the realm of creepy quasi-sexual commitment.

I gotta say, Forest Whitaker's character totally has an occupational boner for Jude Law in that REPO MEN movie.

by IlyaMurometz March 21, 2010

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emotion boner

The scale in which one directs how hormonal one is based off the size of an imaginary erect penis. Example: I'm raging so hard my emotion boner is 10 inches long and throbbing.

I'm raging so hard my emotion boner is 10 inches long and throbbing.

by Debater Guy December 3, 2013

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boner ghost

When one wakes up or discovers a boner and has no clear idea on how it came to be.

George had quite the boner ghost when he was standing in line at walmart.

by Sephtis February 6, 2015

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Boner Situation

A situation that is likely to give a boner. Usually involve women (for straight people).

Guy #1: Yo man, I was at some Jess' party and Megan kept shaking her ass on me. I felt like dry sex.

Guy #2 : Bro, what a nice Boner Situation.

by Ramsmaster June 7, 2010

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Weird Boner

A weird boner is what some lame asses might call an β€œunusual attraction”. It’s that indescribable feeling when you are so attracted to someone even tho there is something slightly ~off~ about them. One might say that this weirdness makes it even hotter.

Friend one: I can’t tell if Rami Malek from Mr. Robot is really hot
Friend two: He is definitely hot but in a different way. Like his eyes are kinda murdery but-
Friend one: -in a good way.
Friend two: he is a definite weird boner

by kajenayyy May 4, 2018

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