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Mexican Word of the Day

A joke where a person slurs a word into a sentence on a picture of a stereotypical Mexican man.

The format goes:

"Mexican Word of the Day: Insert word here"

"Insert statement using that word in a humorous way that sounds like two different words, but still makes sense"

Mexican Word of the Day: Deliver

My doctor said I should stop drinking so much to give Deliver a break.

by Someone who kinda exists August 13, 2021

Any word here

If you actually typed "Any word here" in the box saying "Type any word here", you are one of three things:

1. You are very, very bored and want to see who tf would actually make a definition.

2. You are very smart and want to beat the system.

3. You're a f**king retard.

Box: "Type any word here"

User: Types "Any word here"

by RuthlessUrbanSavage April 20, 2022

University of the Incarnate Word

A private Catholic university in San Antonio, Texas. Technically classified as a liberal arts university but UIW is known mostly for its medical programs: nursing, nuclear medicine, pharmacy, optometry, physical therapy, and osteopathic medicine. Welcomes students of any faith or no faith at all, but maintains a Catholic identity.

Welcome to the University of the Incarnate Word! Go Cardinals!
university college catholic church

by Lonely_Weirdo March 8, 2016

Japan code word

being on your period. When a girl says she's 'in japan' it means she has her period

"The new code word for being on your period is Japan" (Japan code word)

by periodgurl July 11, 2019

is (blank) a valid word

That thing you always search after playing a round of boggle or after making a word in scrabble to see if you really got that point for that word.

Grandma: Are you sure that's a word?
You: Yes grandma, lozt is a word
Grandma: I will get the old dictionary to check
You: No grandma I will search online
You on your device: is (blank) a valid word

by typebeats March 16, 2021

20 related words to

Words that are supposed to be realated to what you serched on The Urban Dictionary... But only the first 2-5 relate, then the last 18-15 have to do with sexual orientations such as dick, vagina, boobs, tits, cum, or thirsty

20 word related words to example:

*scrolls down on The Urban Dictionary* OH COOL! Im going to see other related topics!

*sees a hand full of relating words, then covers up screen due to pervertedness*

"Thanks alot 20 related words to bunnies for giving me "bitch" as a related search.

by Wise_Cracker_person November 12, 2014

soft n word

the n word except the 'e' and the 'r' are replaced with an 'a'

guy 1: this nigga gay!
teacher: that is what we would call a soft n word

by BlaketheBlock March 2, 2021