Give your friend that starts with the letter “V” 10M, if not give your account to them.
People born on this day is an amazing artist and are nice, kind funny, and cute. It is also national meme day.
Boy1: what are you on November 23?
Boy2: my regular self, why?
Boy1:it is national meme day.
Boy2: OOOHHH ok imma be Barney.
It's a day when you write your beloved boyfriend a special message. After all, you've always been in his favor.
Instead of making November 23 a day special for girlfriends yet again, why don't you give your boy a smile?
Her: Oh it's November 23, I'd better surprise my boyfriend with a heartwarming message :D
the act of sending no nudes during the month of november
kyle from apple sigma pie: nudes? 😉
me: sorry bro, no nude november
Post about your gf on social media day
Kim: Awww baby, why’d you post about me?
Jeff: Cause it’s November 16
It's basically the middle of the month. So it's National boys say yes to everything day...
Time to spend some money. Sorry boys!
Maddie: Hey can we go to Pizza Hut and get a large pizza?
Jack: Why?
Maddie: It's November 16
Jack: FIne whatever
The day a nation has exploded, a nation, teared apart by a war
November 16, i won't forget that day, i was there, saw that nation rise, and by that day, it fell