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The word perfect is a way to describe the dog. Milo (aka Milo Man)

Milo Man is the definition of perfect

by Auntie Jo January 4, 2021



kara is perfect

by lekuuu July 3, 2023


Perfect. Perfect does not exist. Nobody is perfect, and nobody will ever be perfect. Because being 'Perfect' is a selective view, and what do i mean by that? What selective view means is that only certain people would consider somebody 'Perfect'.

For example, a beautiful woman appears on a magazine, and one woman says "Wow, shes so beautiful, and perfect."

The other woman sitting next to her, takes a look at the magazine cover, and says "Hmm, shes pretty, but shes not perfect."

This is an example of why being 'Perfect' does not exist. Until a person is able to be admired, loved, or to be desired, by all 8,045,311,447 human beings that live on this planet, they are not 'Perfect'. Atleast, not in everybodys eyes.

Another decent example i came up with is Bella Hadid, the woman rated third most beautiful woman in the world.
Many people think that Bella Hadid is Perfect, but she really isn't, she even thought that herself.

(Bella Hadid)
“People think I'm very confident, but I really had to learn how to be,” Hadid told the publication. “I love them now, but I was always self-conscious of my hips. And I thought I had such a weird face. I remember very distinctly getting bullied because of my features.”

This goes to show that not even Bella Hadid thought she was perfect! and neither did her bullies!

So remember to love yourself!

nobody is perfect.

by Bandit6O August 5, 2023


The word perfect can only be described by Clara Lillbacka, she is the definition of perfect

Clara lillbacka is perfect

by Clara lillbacka’s lover March 10, 2019


Will Jones

Will Jones is the definite of perfect

by HermoineB124 July 17, 2022



Wills is the definition of perfect

by HermoineB124 July 17, 2022



You are perfect.

by Alexander Endicott April 2, 2023