When you're talking to someone and you're not yelling but you're still arguing.
"Yea bro my girl is just constantly toxic talking when we get together, I think we should breakup
Talking an idea or event early in the week only to disregard said idea by the end of the week and settle for something else
Hey Jim we should go to the Yankee game this Saturday. Sure Chris but it’s only Tuesday, that’s townie talk, you’ll change your idea by friday
Quality talk ist talk that diffentiates itself from normal talk through its quality .There are three different kinds of quality talk.
1) conversation where you have fun
2) conversation where you learn stuff
3) conversation where you have deep talk
Yesterday I had a really good Quality talk of type one.
when you talk about something funny in the car
“me and my family were talking about shalanda in the car yesterday”
“w car talk”
Typical YouTube video where it is too long for meaningful content. Also, in real life, where someone is gaslighting you or just blowing themselves with hot air.
YouTube is becoming 99% bloat talk and 1% creative content.
An event in the 60s where you get clapped by guys in black pyjamas armed with AKs in the jungles.
I was in Vietnam when we were ambushed by talking trees.
- when someone named "moamal" is talking
-an intense form of unnecessary
professionalism in conversations, it may use political, economic, historical terms to extend its effects and it could be used for both postive and negative purposes
"Last night's moamal talk was intense"