Essential to performing this manoeuvre, is doggy. Eat a shit tonne of food, preferably spicy, then shit in a sock. Just prior to the fabled finish, swing the sock around you’re head, gather momentum, and thwack that socky shit around the back of her head.
John to girl: I’m about to cum
John: ok
Example 2:
Webby: Dude, I gave her the Salisbury socking of her life
John: nice
A basketball player who wears mid top socks
If I wear my kyries, I gotta be on my mid sock gang.
when you say Stanley the sock you are taking about when a horse bites a kids hand off then chews it up but the horse is then killed by voyagers so insects come and eat the insides of the horse ( including the child’s hand ) but then a spider comes and eats the insects. Which then the almighty gods from the heavens take that spider and make him a man. But since that spider has a little of the child’s hand in its system from eating the insect, when the spider is a man it is given a third hand. The new man is put into earth but then the voyagers eat the man.
Example: you act like you were Stanley the sock
A minor flaw that makes a big deal to people interested in the topic.
Person A: Prices for movies are raising again.
Person B: Doesn't seem like a problem.
Person A: Doesn't seem like one?
That's a string in the sock! Now even less people can go now!
The highest of high shelf bud.
"Dude, did you see the bud Snoop rolls up with?" "Yeah man, that shit looked fire, definitely some dirty socks"
clear socks are gayer than no socks, never take a risk, always have on socks you can see.
Yo I saw you kissing that guy, and you aint had no socks.
Yes I did they were just clear socks
You might as well wear no socks *smh*
Rubber glove, preferably not used, usually lubed inside a tube sock for deep release especially in jail.
Bro don’t use my fifi sock again or else.