I want to got to cool places with you
I want to take you cool places tonight
I want to go where nobody's a fool
And no one says uh, "Hey girl, need a light?"
I want to move like this and that
A minimum of chit chat
I never want to cool down, cool down, cool cool cool,
Cool places tonight
I gotta tell you, you're lookin' real good
They let us in so I'm feelin' all right
I like to go where sometimes they refuse
Yeah, I remember last Saturday night
But I'm feeling cooler now
And they could tell we're cooler now
It's obvious we're cooler now, cooler now, cool cool cool,
Cool places tonight
I want to go, I want to go, etc.
I want to go to cool places tonight
I want to go to cool places with you
And after that we'll slip out for a bite
A coffee shop, and toast, coffee and juice
And then we'll sleep 'til 5 p.m.
And start it up all over again
I never want to cool down, cool down, cool cool cool
When you google search cool art, and you just have to say wow.
"Wow cool art"
tryna be to cool means tryna be to funny or something like that I got it from a girl name zee I think ha instagram is ic0nicxzee
like when a boy or a girl or a stud say something tryna be funny and they tryna be to cool with it like it’s funny 😂
The Indians send signals from the rocks above the pass
The cowboys take position in the bushes and the grass
The squaw is with the corporal, she is tied against the tree
She doesn't mind the language, it's the beating she don't need
She lets loose all the horses when the corporal is asleep
And he wakes to find the fire's dead and arrows in his hats
And Davy Crockett rides around and says it's cool for cats
It's cool for cats (cool for cats)
The Sweeney's doing ninety 'cause they've got the word to go
They get a gang of villains in a shed up at Heathrow
They're counting out the fivers when the handcuffs lock again
In and out of Wandsworth with the numbers on their names
It's funny how their missus always look so bleeding same
And meanwhile at the station there's a couple of likely lads
Who swear like, "How's your father?" and they're very cool for cats
They're cool for cats (cool for cats)
To change the mood a little I've been posing down the pub
On seeing my reflection, I'm looking slightly rough
I fancy this, I fancy that, I wanna be so flash
I give a little muscle and I spend a little cash
But all I get is bitter and a nasty little rash
And by the time I'm sober I've forgotten what I've had
And everybody tells me that it's cool to be a cat
Cool for cats (cool for cats)
Shape up at the disco and I think I've got a pull
I ask her lots of questions and she hangs on to the wall
I kiss her for the first time and then I take her home
I'm invited in for coffee and I give the dog a bone
She likes to go to discos but she's never on her own
I said I'll see you later and give her some old chat
But it's not like that on the TV when it's cool for cats
It's cool for cats (cool for cats)
when everything seems to be going wrong so you say ‘cool remix’ to make it right; when you realize you have to respond to a conversation you weren’t listening to and only want to promote optimism; said when witnessing an individual perform a task in an unorthodox yet respectable manner; when someone says something real stupid but you don’t want them to feel bad::: must be proceeded by ‘yo’, can’t be followed with ‘bro’
Person 1: *Turns on oven with toes*
Person 2: ‘cool remix’
that one friend in your friends group who is the alpha, the leader
heavily respected, but very funny, earning the cool title.
can also be called an epic jj
cool jj stole the spotlight again