A popular video game. That makes you want to up out of a card going 120 miles per hour
If I die to one more ttv kid in fortnite I’m going to fucking jump out of a car going 120 mph
is a dumb ass game that guys always play
my boyfriend plays fortnite and now im lonely because thats all he plays
Cancer....... literally just cancer
"Do you guys wanna go bully the cringe Fortnite kids"
"Hell yeah they're fucking retarded"
A super popular game that virgins wont shut up about. Also when you play, you cant stop because you want the victory royale but u realize that ur trash. This also causes alot of credit cards stolen by 9 year olds who want to buy skins and stuff. Also, this game prolly stole your man who likes to post his wins on snapchat
John: Hey Tommy wnat to paly sum fort khight???
Tommy: Yaeh lets go stael my mOms creidt card
John: graet idea
Mom: fortnite should die
a game for lonely bitches who like to play digital shit,or just digital shit,also caused Karen to leave all those guys.
hey i made a picture of fortnite