An offensive cuss word that means you have a bad reputation on Twitter or social media and most of the populaion hates you.
J. K. Rowling is J. K. Rowling because she has a bad reputation in 50% of the world!
Mohammed k is the hotest and coolest person you’ll see and he is the most best friend you’ll have and he likes to be friends with a #Mckenna
Have you seen mohammed k I almost died from how hot and cool and a good friend he is
Little K is short for Little Kina, but to show Kina that she has a lower social stature.
If a Kina ever pisses u off just call her this and she’ll shut up.
If a Kina dripps in Ls she a little Kina
Kina is dripping in Ls must be a little K
A very strange insider group on Instagram user “kxy.b33’s” account. The leader is very schizophrenic and most likely needs mental treatment, and so do its members. (Most likely a cult)
Normal Person: Hey you’ve been laughing at your phone for 5 hours, what’s so funny?
Now mental patient: I’m on Kxy.b33’s instagram and have been accepted into K nation, i’ve never felt more alive in my life!
Sanket is someone who is very kind hearted but always ends up being heart broken
Even after having a charming personality
He plays with himself at least 5 times a day
Sanket is someone who writes his own number in the girls locker room but does not get even a single call back
To conclude all this Sanket is 2rs people
Why are you so sad, are you Sanket K?