Max hebdon is a top bloke, his hobbies consist of having hoes, walking around in his tech fleece and trapstar, acting like he runs the streets of essendon. he enjoys telling stories of his past steetfighting career. he lives off his daddy’s money and likes to flex his boujee items. he is known around here to be a ladies man having to fight off all the hot women everyday
Do you know max hebden?
Yes ofc, he is a top bloke with so many mates
Rotting at your fullest.
You empty worthless piece of shit
“Dude, can’t do nothing rn man, I am rot maxxing.”
Shitting all of the shit out your asscrack
Dill: I feel bowels feel so empty after shit maxing
Randy: wtf is a shit maxing
Dill: fuck off
Max M faggot extremely homophobic asshole.
No likes him because of his massive nipples and tiny ballsack. If u see max you know dudes are coming.
ShitMax M is coming run he’ll give you gay faggot syndrome
To sponge max is to use a sponge and aggressively use it as a way in different ways to enlarge the penis in rough ways for a partner
Have you heard of the spunk maxxing meta?
Nah Sponge maxing is the new meta now.