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Ninja Duck

A rather loud fart.

I was reading my daughter a bedtime story and farted. I told her she had ninja ducks running around in her room.

by #1id10t April 13, 2020

Lawn Ninja

A small Gnome-like creature from the Ratchet & Clank video game series. Highly annoying and carries twin swords that it tries to cut your crotch with.

John: Nice hair.

Jane: Freakin' lawn ninja!

by Xalrons456 February 11, 2012

trailerpark ninja

A fierce warrior with minimal teeth however a surplus of ninja skills learned via swatting flies in the summer.

That boy his hands is quick, he’s a trailerpark ninja! - Huffman and Stefanie

by Black Mamba 81 July 1, 2021

Ninja Parenting

The art of laying an infant down to sleep and leaving the room without making a sound

Dad: Did you put the lil monster in bed?
Mom: Sure did, used my Ninja Parenting skills to get out of the room without waking him!

by Malent October 23, 2014

Karen the cat ninja

Someone who is raicist and lies and stirs stuff up with other comunitys and people tend to fall for what she does

Hey look its karen the cat ninja the person no one likes

by Troll destroyer May 22, 2022

Ninja Nips

The kind of nipple a woman can have where its very pale and blends well with the skin or for a nipple that is almost hidden.

Damn dude she's got some serious ninja nips

by Not_Blaze_TBG January 20, 2020

karate ninja

Patrick mcdonagh is karate ninja

See that karate ninja

by Karate ninja September 21, 2020