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A beautiful girl who is self conscious about herself. She is always there to build you up but often puts herself down.

Me: why are you so pretty all the time?
Friend: what are you taking about? Your so cute, I look like a potato.

by Grimmgirlfandom June 6, 2018


Somebody that is so bad at a game that they cannot be a human. Therefore meaning that the only physical entity they could be is a a potato.

Jimmy:OMG how did you not kill them, they were literally bots, you are such a potato.
Wilson:I'm not the one that died first, ok.

by Potato997 April 29, 2019


The best possible food you can have. (And every food with potato in it.)

That potato was good man.

by Potato Fries 540 June 19, 2020


A yummy way to fix any problem

Dude: *Gets into argument*
Bro: *Throws potato at gut*

by MooIsCool November 1, 2019


Primarily describes the potato-like countenance of a mid-Ford van but can be extended to first and third gen also.

That potato is going to overheat before it makes it to the top of Angeles Crest.

by Dignitiondead February 24, 2021


What people in Ireland used to eat.

I want a potato!

by Nonexistant ๐Ÿ˜” ๐Ÿ˜” ๐Ÿ˜” April 24, 2022


otatop backwards

otatop is backwards for potato
no its a musical band you fucking dumbass

by wawakook August 7, 2023