“Social Bedtime” when you tell everyone that you’re going to sleep for the evening therefore you’ve finished interacting by text, phone, and social media for that particular day. If, by chance, they happen to see you “online” after you’ve announced your social bedtime it would be improper etiquette for them to then comment or contact via those various social media outlets.
It’s been a long day and as it’s my social bedtime I’ll catch up with you later!
Calling out people on social media when they post pics of themselves standing with people closer that 6 feet other than immediate family/SO.
I was Social Shaming a buddy on FB this weekend over his reckless pics posted of multiple social gatherings instead of social distancing.
Play on the word 'social media', with the term referring to the onslaught of psychological illnesses exacerbated by the era of smart technology and social media, including but not limited to: narcissim, anxiety, ADHD, entitlement, cyber bullying and malicious trolling, confirmation bias, toxic positivity, dopamine disorders, FOMO, communal stupidity (wanna eat a tide pod?), as well as faking disorders for views/likes.
Some people may find themselves actively avoiding the use of social media because they feel vulnerable to social mania.
A generation of children being raised on ipads and youtube has taught us that social mania is real, and that the negative effects of smart technology and social media are increasingly apparent.
A ideology that is Post Marxist, Anti Marxist and race socialist. This ideology was propped up intellectually by Drexler, Hitler, Darre, Backe and Feder. It is a bigoted race socialism that seeks a Germanic superstate that throws down the "Jewish Cartel of International Capitalists" and its guardian angels, the Marxists, to create a half agraian, half industrial utopia where socialism exists for the racially pure Aryans and no one else. It despises communism because it still is a form of capitalism for the Nazis. It was a grassroots and popular party among the German working class and worked with the political enviroment of Germany at the time. Its views on Veganism, Enviromentalism, solidarity, welfare and the supreme control of the means of production through central planning are rarely talked about seriously.
Normal Person:"Hey, I have been reading theory of National Socialism, and I see it as a form of consequentialist ideology like Marxism."
Illiterate Person:"Yeah, and the Democratic Republic of Korea is a democracy. Shut up Fash."
A person who is past 17 years of age and is still virgin
If you are Steve carrell in the movie the 40 year old virgin, you are the epitome of a social retard, at least in North America?
A person, in North America, who is past 18 years of age and who is still virgin for non religious reasons
If you are Steve Carrell in the movie the 40 Year Old Virgin, you are the epitome of a social retard, at least in North America.
A person in North America, who is past 18 years of age and who is still virgin for non religious reasons
Among modern North American teenagers obsessed with swag and yolo, it is not flash to be a social retard.