A drink that originated in Stuy-Town, NYC.
4 parts Pink Whitney, 1 part pink lemonade, 1 part sugar free red bull.
-Are you ready for your Stuy-Town Slammer?
-Yeah, let's slam this shit up.
1) let's go to slurp town
2)I've got hot mouth it's time for slurp town
gar-town-(noun) - to have sexual relations, or enjoying some sort of sexual activity
im taking her to gar-town or...
Man, i need to go to gar-town
A deplorable sex act originated in Charleston, SC by meth addicted trailer trash in which one person deposits feces into the anus of another person. The method through which this act is achieved varies by region. The North Charleston Charley Town Swap is the most unpleasant, usually requiring tools to open the anal cavity of person A while person B squats over them like they're a dirty truck stop toilet seat and dumps into them at their leisure.
Joansey gave me the old Charley Town Swap last week and now I think I have Hepatitis.
A position where the ears and mouth at penetrated
I will Mexican town house you wife
When a poop criminal accompanied by a midget dumps in a public stall then waits for an unsuspecting individual to come along and very slyly gives them a swirly in the pot of shit then has the midget sneak in under the stall and take a shit on their head after flushing. Before they grab a breath of air. Usually a boy midget wrestling champion who was a hired hand.
Unsuspecting individual: Boy that town was a crazy town. Other individual:What happened? Unsuspecting individual:You don't want to know...
Go to all parties around the city. All night, all places.
Also a song by the girl group LOONA (Stan LOONA, ARTMS, Loossemble, Chuu and Yves guys!)
I'm going to Kaylee's party, then Jacob's, then Tylers. I'm going to paint the town!