Source Code


Spouse's mother.

My mother-in-law is a good person.

by Wonbig October 13, 2021

Mother In Law

A mother in law is pretty much the very bane of your existence.

A mother in law (or MIL) is a wretched, treacherous female. She is insecure, jealous, petty, hateful and filled with spite. She is immature to the max.

She is shallow, empty headed and only cares about appearances. She is a master manipulator, and a huge control freak. She has to be in charge of everything.

It does not matter if the child(ren) she bore are in their 30s, 40s, 50s or 60s. She still must be a heavy influence in their lives, and she cannot exist without knowing their Every. Single. Move. She gushes unsolicited advice and is not satisfied unless she pushes her dumbass opinions. She HAS to be the center of attention. She is backbiting, hypocritical, sneaky and mean.

She pretends at church, pretends with the neighbors, pretends with the bridge club, but she is a fake, through and through.

She will constantly berate you, berate others, poke fun at people, make nasty comments behind your back, and betray you and others by gossiping about your/their private business.

A mother in law is a bitch from the bowels of hell.

A mother in law sometimes giggles like an evil 7 year old. She laughs at her own cruel jokes, with her long, yellow, scary teeth.

Beware the Mother In Law.

For she is the spider, and you are the fly.

by ForestFairy March 20, 2022


Spouse's mother.


by Simaduria July 27, 2024

Divine mother

A group in ROBLOX filled with angels and demons with their own original game.

Person 1: Hello! Have you ever heard of Divine mother?
Person 2: No, what is that?
Person 1: It’s a ROBLOX group owned by calleiaas

by Yaniswong November 21, 2020

What's a mother to do?

A situation without hope. A situation considered lame or distaistfull. Mother not as in your mother, mother as in motherfucker meaning the person saying the phrase.

1:"Hey did those parts come in from UPS yet?"
2:"No we're still waiting on em'."
1:"I can't fix my car without them."
2:"What's a mother to do?"

by Gnik Nave July 17, 2011

mother fucker

This has 2 meanings:

1. Literally it means someone who has sex with his own mother, but this word is hardly used in this context(Just like when you call someone a bastard, you don't mean he is a bastard child, when you call someone a mother fucker, you are usually you are not implying that he is someone who sleeps with his mother).

2. The mother of all fuckers(this is what people actually mean when they call someone a mother fucker).

definition 1:

Tom: Go fuck your mother...

Jerry: Only a mother fucker(the context of this word is literally someone who has sex with his own mother) like you will do such things.

definition 2:

50 cents: Yo mother fucker! wassup!

Eminem: yo fiddy...nothing much...hows it going?

by kundinella@1 January 30, 2018

Mother fucker

A gender neutral way to identify someone

Person 1: how are you mother fucker
Person 2: im pretty good

This is way better than this

Person 1: how are you dude

Person 2: I iDeNtIfY aS fEmAlE
Person 3: sToP dEmOnIzInG tRaNs PeOpLe By NoT rEsPeCtInG tHeIr PrOnOuN

by Epic bruh gamer moment August 2, 2019