employed to highlight the gravity, significance, or breadth of the topic under discussion.
We're talking about a lot of money.
A basic interaction between 2 people
A: Hey wanna be talking?
B: No
A: K :(
Talkning is a way of communicate when two or more persons communicate with tones made by their vocal cords. These tones is called letters alphabetic characters. They use the alphabetic characters to make words to spela with. Humans communicate with eachother to tell the other something they did or will do.
Person 1: Hey!
Person 2: I'm talking to another person stfu.
Person 1: fine, bye.
Person 2: Bye!
While traveling
Driver states: you gone tip...
Rider states : no but I can talk doe..
when your voice cracks while you are talking or singing it can also mean you are on a lot of crack and everyone knows
your singing is horrible did you just crack talk or is that just your voice.
jimmy i know your on crack stop crack talking.