Source Code

Clown 9

When the CS:GO or League of Legends team gets a huge lead against their opponent and blows their lead and loses. They are jokes therefore Clowns

Guy 1: Clown 9 got up 14 rounds in CS:GO against the other team that had 8 and the final score was C9 14-16 CLG
Guy 2: True Clowns of North America...

by sssundae June 26, 2015

66๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

September 9

September 9 is national chicken schnitzel day where you get to yeet chicken schnitzel at your friends.

*Silence in classroom*

Friend: *coughs*
Me: *yeets chicken schnitzel at their face*
Friend: wth?! EWW
Teacher: MARGRET! No throwing chicken schnitzel
Me: But its September 9, national yeet your chicken schnitzel day
Teacher: Carry on then
Me: *smile*

by An0nym0us;) November 5, 2019

66๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

5 by 9

RS report in ham radio. 5 means strong signal and 9 means good audio quality. Equivalent to "I can hear you loud and clear".

... roger roger, I can hear you 5 by 9. Good luck in the contest and 73.

by OK9NJA January 20, 2020

Planet 9

Planet 9 is a hypothetical object in the far outskirts of the outer solar system. It is said to be around five to ten Earth masses. It is possibly a super-Earth, if so in similar composition to Pluto, if it is a super-Earth, it will be the largest terrestrial planet, surpassing earth in size. It could also be a mini-Neptune, or small ice giant meaning it would be similar to Uranus and Neptune, but smaller, if this is the case it will be the smallest gas planet in our solar system. It could also be a primordial black hole around the size of a grapefruit, formed around the start of the universe, in this is the case, at some point the timeline of our solar system, it was caught by the sun's gravitational force. Whatever Planet 9 is, it has a strong chance to be real due to highly elliptical orbits of distant TNOs, or Trans Neptunian Objects, such as Sedna, which at it's closest approach to the sun is 76 AU or 76 times farther from the sun than earth, but the farthest being 937 AU or 937 times farther from the sun than earth. The James Web Space Telescope and LSST or Large Synoptic Survey Telescope could greatly help discover Planet 9.

Hopefully Planet 9 will be discovered soon.

by ultimate368 July 14, 2020


A tragic, horrific day in American history. The day exhibited how vulnerable the United States can be, yet the politicians have a major portion of our military in Iraq. Didn't the government learn anything?
The U.S. military has been in Iraq longer than we participated in WWII & longer than the "Civil War".....
After 9/11, our Military needs to be where it belongs; HOME, attempting to protect the American people!

9/11 changed America forever. If I were president, I would tell them to eat their oil and we will keep our food; I would bring the military home immediately and stop feeding the military industrial complex. ie: the companies that make all of the ammunition, guns, planes, tanks, humvees, etc. Enough of our military has died or been maimed, needlessly! In my opinion, 9/11 started this ignorant dispersion of the U.S. military in another "Vietnam"!! Why does the U.S. police the world? Isn't it time the U.S. "saved" the U.S.? There's oil in places other than the middle east. Enough death!

by The "orignal" Irishman May 11, 2008

420๐Ÿ‘ 111๐Ÿ‘Ž

9 inches

What a man says when hes to embarrassed to say his real size

"How big are you?"

"....9 inches"

by ADemperado October 12, 2008

305๐Ÿ‘ 69๐Ÿ‘Ž

Windows 9

the operating system that Windows will release and use to take over the world. Very few will survive and those who do will be in mortal danger. see Terminator

nerd 1: Did you see Terminator 3?

nerd 2: yea man, those things ran on Windows 9!

by JakeDanger January 14, 2010

106๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž