a meal lovingly and proudly described in great detail in response to a meal lovingly and proudly described in great detail for the purpose of arousing jealousy.
I talked to Kay about my runny eggs, and got hit with an epic counter-brunch. I'm so hungry.
By making a statement to counter a roast from a person.
My friend roasts the teacher, but the teacher made a counter-burn that made my friend shut up.
To equalize a trailing/running joint or blunt with a flame of your personal choice.
Yo, that shits running...counter-burn it bitch!
We don't waste no bud here, we always counter burn our woods.
Don't be a bum counter-burn that shit.
Hey watch that shit, it's running counter-burn it.
Around the turn, just Counter-Burn.
If one ‘Counter-Banters’, it is the action of deciding not to take part in some casual banter that a mate is having with you; it is to kill an exchange of banter stone-dead.
“Ah that’s a shame, I was only being sarcastic and trying to have a laugh, instead you decided to take the matter seriously and shut me down. That was a real case of counter-bantering.”
When you lick a gooch and the testicles and penis rest on your forehead
She licked my gooch and i put my meat on the meat counter
A cross-counter is a counter-attack begun immediately after an opponent throws a jab, exploiting the opening in the opponent's position.
In fighting games, it is used in the same context, and it is sometimes mentioned in tournaments. Characters that have long attack animations, blocking the attack and then proceeding to counter attack while they are exiting the attack animation is considered a cross counter.
Roy's side smash takes a while to complete, so you can block it and cross counter before he finishes.
When the sex is so awkward that the girl starts counter thrusting...
Me: Amy was the worst sex I’ve ever had.
Friend: Why?
Me: She was a counter thruster.