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i am swag. the definition of swag. i bet your also swag. have a swaggy day

were so swag

by whostolemybrocolli March 19, 2021


me, im too swaggy for you

"hey who is that?'
"its swag, shes too swaggy g"

by bbbbeeeeyyyooonnnccccceeeeeee December 8, 2020


Secretly, we are gaymers.

SWAG actually.

by quikthequik July 13, 2021


The embodiment of Amelia and Sarah. The 2 of the most coolest and swaggiest people in the books, right next to Pitbull and The Rock.

Person: who are those cool girls over there?
Hot guy: That’s Sarah and Amelia, the swaglords!
Person: so swag

by TheUltimateSarah November 19, 2020


Swag means someone who acts gay. S for someone W for who A for acts and G for gay.

Yo your friend is acting so swag.

by Z1Z March 1, 2019


Aryssa Tabtab

Did you see that girl? Yeah, her names Aryssa right? Nah I think it’s swag.

by charlesdarwin February 7, 2021


Isabella Rapps

Omg your so swag. Just like isabella rapps

by Spidurh February 12, 2022