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Deluxe Pizz and Chocolate Combo 3000

Deluxe pizz and chocolate combo (verb, noun)-When after a long day of work and not going to the bathroom, you arrive at home to your girlfriend, who is obviously horny, since you have been at work all day. She wants to immediately fuck, but you explain that you desperately have to go to the bathroom after a long day or work. She does not care, and forces you to do it with her anyway. Because you did not go to the bathroom, when you inevitably jizz into her mouth, you simultaneously and uncontrollably piss directly into her mouth as well, creating pizz. She screams at you and tells you to go to the bathroom while she tries to strand up to wash the pizz out of her mouth. When you stand up, you feel a heavy gurgling in your stomach, and proceed to let out the nastiest, wettest, smelliest, earth-shattering, most creamy chocolate fudge explosive diarrhea all over her face, adding your own special chocolate to the pizz that was already in her mouth. As she lies on the floor screaming as pizz and diarrhea run down her face and into her throat, you fortnite dance over her body as the police arrive to take you away to the insane asylum

Verb: I totally did the deluxe pizz and chocolate combo 3000 to your mom last night.
Noun: Your mom loved the deluxe pizz and chocolate combo 3000 that I gave her last night.

by CBTmaster69 February 24, 2021

Rev maker 3000

The engine of a car that make stuff go to back of car to go brrrr brrr rb rb nrrrr brrrrr

Yoo wanna use the rev maker 3000 to get foood

by Bonk horny begone October 24, 2020

ball lover 3000

These people known as "ball lover 3000"'s looooooove balls. It's a very known fact in the ball community that this is the pinnacle of their hierarchy.

That guy is so cool! what degree did he get in college?
Oh he studied balls and got the title of ball lover 3000!

by avaca-donut September 1, 2022

Dry Vacuum 3000

When someone is sucking the dick and suck like Za vacuum

That bitch gave me that dry vacuum 3000

by 10/10 pen February 24, 2020

shagatron 3000

That thing in your mums bottom draw.

I heard my mum use the, 'Shagatron 3000' last night.

by Young.Sullivan March 14, 2022

Zinke 3000

A Zinke 3000 is the updated Version of the Zinke 2000 and the oldest version, the Zinke 1000.

Equipped with a SemiAutomatic Navigation Device, supported by a Cache-O-mat, the Zinke 3000 is a reliable unit for many users.
Still, there are many unexplored functions of the Zinke 3000, waiting to be released.

The only way to destroy a Zinke 3000 might be a Schweinehaufen.

The Zinke 3000 has led us to the Pfandabgabestelle. No Schweinehaufen has destroyed him YET.

by ColaKracher June 28, 2011

Nibbletron 3000

The state of the art nibbling machine, also commonly known as Pee Picholls, the Nibbletron 3000 is highly prone to a nibble.

Nibble for NibbleTron 3000 Pee Picholls *Samba De Janeiro Plays*

by The Gotter October 16, 2022