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women teasers

A woman teaser is one that is emotionally empty inside.
They flirt with men to get some kind of approval, that they can't get from themselves.

The women teasers or so called social butterfly's at a party are usually alone with no date.
The woman is constantly seeking attention from men to make themselves feel better inside. They have had numerous husbands/boyfriends over their life time. They will get extremely flirtatious especially with the successful men.

by been there done that. July 8, 2006

48๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

blade of women

Calling a woman "The Blade of Women" implys she is perfect. She has all the strengths of women, and none of there weaknesses. If you were to find one, you would proceed to date and marry her immediatley.

"Hey you know that girl Zooey?"
"Yeah she is the blade of women."

by DDarko April 29, 2004

22๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

funny women

This is a made up thing. Scientist in Germany took on a three year study to determine whether women are funny. They conclude that women are in fact not funny. Women like to think this is a real thing, but dont be fooled.

Funny Women is not a thing.

by TehEugeneCoder January 29, 2019

42๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

italian women

italian woman is somebody that is usually so self centered and envious about foreign womens beauty (especially from north or east european girls)and mean to resort to every trick and cheap shot just to steal some focus and attention. ending up to look and act like the most awful bitch in the world.

sometimes italian women, resort also to go on dictionaries and define themelves as hot, cute, pretty, attractive and gorgeous. male opinions not requested.

by mave73 May 8, 2008

744๐Ÿ‘ 412๐Ÿ‘Ž


So full of shit.

I'm listening to your story and I'm like "You straight up used that guy" and then you demonize him by saying "you can just sense the desperation" and it's like yo.... Give me a break. How it sounds to me is that you're blaming him for your inability to establish boundaries. You needed a roommate and you "wanted to stay friends" and then you used him until you didn't need to have half of your rent paid. And then you went on to meet real friends that you had reciprocal relationships with and this guy was sitting there like wtf she actually used me. And this is why women make terrible friends. You don't want to have to suck a dick you won't throw yourself at so you overcompensate by refusing to reciprocate in ANY capacity. And then live a lie so you can keep getting free shit. "Well, I told him to stop doing stuff for me (kind of. Even though I still kind of wanted him to do it)" So first you say "I don't want to fuck you let's just be friends" and then you say "We can be roommates but I probably won't see you a lot" then you say "I don't want you to be a part of my social life. I was lying about being friends. It was just a convenient way for me to get out of sleeping with you and prevent you from hating me so I could continue to get things out of you and now that I have new friends you are no longer necessary." You stopped being friends the second he tried to fuck you after you broke up. He didn't know. You did. Be he overreached. He's the "little buddie".

You have to be their little buddy while they fuck some they shouldn't be fucking. They know they shouldn't be fucking him because it makes them feel like a terrible person. And then they come to you and expect you to absolve the of their guilt like your some kind of priest. Then you get thrown in the trash. But it's YOUR FAULT. They aren't the ones being misleading. It's your behavior and the emotions the project on to you. They couldn't just not use you. That would only make too much sense and solve all of their problems with men they don't want to fuck. Here's the thing. Women won't ever have a male friend. All of the men you meet are just there to fuck you and you know that. But you keep them around anyway in case they are useful. You're never going to get this guy his dick sucked. You are not going to be there for him. Why? Because that isn't his role. He is there to be your little buddy. If he is getting fucked you can't keep him around. His girl won't want you hanging with him. And on a long enough timeline you know the dude you're fucking isn't going to want you around other dudes. So it isn't real. The friendship between a man and a woman is a parasitic one. She latches on, a male parasite swims up and breeds with her, she detaches from her host (you), and she goes off to lay eggs and die. It's a losing proposition. A women that won't fuck you won't ever respect you. You're a second class citizen in her life. Women.

by Hym Iam December 20, 2020

2๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sane Women

Fictional, fake, non-existant creatures. Much like the Loch Ness monster (see: Loch Ness monster). Men have searched for years looking for sane women.

Ex. Guy one: "dude! We need to find some sane women!"

Guy two: "too bad they don't exist... You'll have a better time finding Nessie.

by thed_man April 13, 2009

15๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Asian Women

So increidbly sexy, even the old ones dont look too bad! Ive only seen like 10 ugly Asian Women in my life out of over 1000.

Asian Women, put american women to shame

by bnevs April 4, 2007

1288๐Ÿ‘ 781๐Ÿ‘Ž