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Ari's Server

A Discord server, in which horny teenagers express their horny feelings.

Dude you joined Ari's Server again? God, this is why you have no friends.

by farded465756 December 7, 2021


hot sexy smart beautiful always correct ari fanpage

hot person: omg i love aris..sweetener
another hot person: omg yeah me too 😱

by lightnyagami December 18, 2021

Aris Play

"Aris play" is a phenomenon in a well know video game series called Counter-Strike where a player takes unnecessarily long paths to flank the opposing team resulting in the loss of the player himself, incoordination of the team or loss of the round.

This guy did an "Aris play" and we lost the fucking round I can believe it. If only he had followed us to the objective.

by BillgamingTv July 25, 2023


1. like or characteristic of a person born with-in the dates March 21 to April 20
2. More specifically, like or characteristic of the certain traits associated with an Aries.
Common traits being: positive connotation Courageous, being a Leader, Confident, negative connotation Aggressive, Reckless, Selfish, and/or Impatient.

3. Even more specifically, being related to or similar to Aries, the heroine from the book “Aries Rising” by E S Pearl. Usually only in times of urgency by someone who is only temporarily commanding.
Common traits being: Commanding, Impatient, Generous, Tired Parent vibes, Used.

Guy : Did you see Johnny jump off of that cliff?
Girl : Yeah, I’ve never seen him be so Aries-esque!
Johnny: You two! I need you down here! Come immediately!
Guy: Sure, Bucko! *jumps in with him*
Girl: Of course, my Dreamboat! *falls off the side of the cliff into Johnny’s arms*
He snapped in a commanding, Aries-esque tone.” -Aries Rising, ESPearl
“Geez Kathy, even though you’re a Leo, you act so Aries-esque.” - Anon

by Sunnyshiny August 27, 2021

Aries Season

March 21st - April 19th

When everyone that is an Aries gives literally no fucks unintentionally. The funniest shit and best shit happens then because all the Aries are just straight out thriving. All Aries are even more fearless then before and they stand up to that mean bitch, or shoot their shot.

“Guys I full on slapped jEsSiCa today.”
“oMg yOu dId tAyLor!?”
yeah guys get used to it, it’s aries season my guy!”

by aries19 October 15, 2019

Lil ari

IS A GAOT and respectful,kind,smart etc she is the nicest person you will ever meet she is funny asf she makes everyone laugh cause she a goat like that and she’s rich 🤑😋

Did you hear lil aris joke she a gaot

by BRAEDANismydaddy69 February 17, 2022

Ari Shaffir

A self-proclaimed "funny" comedian who has an unfunny bit called the "Amazing Racist" which is heavily rude, anti-Semitic and offensive. He is a racist piece of shit and will not last in the comedy business.

Ari Shaffir is a racist.

What part of the Ari Shaffir show was supposed to be funny?

by antiari January 6, 2014

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