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Asian persuasion

The spell cast upon an individual in love with members of the Asian race.

ahhhh, that tina, she's under the asian persuasion...

by tina! May 11, 2005

1371πŸ‘ 310πŸ‘Ž

asian glow

The phenomenon in which an Asian person turns red after a small amount of alcohol consumption.

Carol only needs half a shot before she gets a bad case of the asian glow

by Bungalow Bill November 3, 2002

536πŸ‘ 117πŸ‘Ž

Asian Zombie

The detached mental state that Asian students acquire during a rigorous finals week that often includes limited senses.

"Look at all of the Asian zombies. They're just shuffling their feet and running into things. Must be finals week."

by IOFT December 30, 2015

asian moment

When an Asian does something that is stereotypically associated with Asians.

I witnessed an asian moment when I saw Justin breakdancing and squinting at the same time.

by Yop420 April 28, 2011

asian spoon

When someone (preferably small) is kneeling on the floor and a second individual (preferably larger and with big muscles) envelopes the first person aforementioned in a large kneeling embrace.

Yo! Did you just asian spoon his momma??

by Fatasian257 March 9, 2017

Asian Nigger

an ethnic slur against Filipinos.

Look at all those Asian Niggers.

by Rusty shackleforda December 17, 2011

203πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

Asian persuasion

When someone is particularly attracted to asian people

β€˜Yo, Julia is always dating asian guys, she’s definitely got some asian persuasion’

by Steviewonderifhesblind July 31, 2019

48πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž