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when you feel like this ---> :| or like this ---> :p

normally used in school.

me: bah
you: bah

by blep. :p January 31, 2025


But, I love you


by Sterling44 April 26, 2013


Bah is a person, namely cute in appearance may even be the most beautiful people in the world. Bah's are also known for their lovable selves and also awkward (Awkies) moments.

Guy: Hey dude! did you see that girl?

Me: Yes, she's a bah.

by aasifmo November 3, 2012


BAH, is the abbreviation of the words Bitch Ass Hoe

Vianey, Amy says you’re a BAH?

A what?

Bitch ass hoe

by Canavar May 15, 2019


bah is an expression that can be used in many situations..

it can be used when you’re excited, upset, or when you are in an awkward situation trying to break the silence.

or u can just use it in random situations!

friend: ahh what’s wrong? are u mad ?

me: bah

friend: hey what’s up

friend: AHHHHH

(awkward silence)

me: ....bah
*awkward silence lifted*

by llexizlle May 12, 2020


1. An interjection that we, french people, use to show that we are thinking of what we want to say.
2. An interjection to show that something is obvious

Every single french person uses this word

Person 1 : Donc, est-ce que tu veux que je t'achète ce pantalon ? (So, do you want me to buy these pants for you ?)
Person 2 : Bah... ouais, pourquoi pas ! (Bah... yes, why not !)

Person 1 : Mais enfin, tu vas où ? (Hey there, where are you going ?)
Person 2 : Bah, au centre commercial... (Bah, to the mall...)

by french_skittle35 July 3, 2023


Someone who eats everything with a kitchen on their bike.

Bah ate your mum.

by Man like Jamaali November 10, 2020