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Bill Baiting

The act of deliberately soliciting Bill Murray through the posting of old material on the forum

Gazzzzzzaman is a massive cunt for posting that spider shit, he must be Bill Baiting

by Fergal is a Cunt July 29, 2009

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queer baiting

When an author/director/etc. gives hints, and clever twists to paint a character as possibly being queer, to satisfy queer audiences, but never outright says they are so they can keep their heterosexual audience.

June- I love watching Supernatural! Dean and Castiel are ABSOLUTELY gay!
Micheal- But they never said they were, and cast and director haven't said they were either.
June- Yeah, but they totally act gay!
Micheal- Sounds like they're queer baiting you, so you'll continue to watch.

by witchwatch December 6, 2016

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back bait

a strategic tattoo placed on a girls lower back that is designed to get attention. usually accompanied by low rising pants, and an exposed thong.

She put out the back bait and the rest is history.

by Zidane of Coors Light March 19, 2008

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master bait

1. good types of bait that can have cringey catches from them

2. a way to get masturbate past the chat censors

1. nice. got a penis fish from the master bait

2. n00b on chat room: who wants 2 see me master bait???

by the floor is lava August 17, 2017

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hater baiting

1) Behaving in a manner that is intended to provoke haters.
2) Attempting to trick closet haters into revealing their true nature by stunting or flossing around them.
3) Enjoying your money without worrying about who's going to get jealous.

I usually don't care what other guys think of me when I go out, but sometimes I break out the good clothes and drive the Escalade to the club for a little harmless hater baiting.

by Kai TL February 2, 2008

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A post on facebook which is used to get many likes. The bait is usually a funny vid,but sometimes can be anything. Just post it on YOUR profile,or else it'll get deleted. (Or at least stays *LUCKY!*)

-in facebook-

Me: Check this vid lol so funny (funny vid link)
Tard#1: Lolol. *Deletes it for whatevernoreasonm8*
Tard(thx)#2: Why did you delete it?
Me: Yeah,why?
Tard#1: Why did you post it?

by Light Dragon March 12, 2011

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lesbian bait

a girl who is straight but attracts lesbians for some reason.

Guy1: wtf like all the girls have the hots for jenna. i thought she was straight.

Guy2: she is. she's just lesbian bait.

by JackTheStripper2 November 10, 2010

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