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ballsack brat

It's the act of putting your ballsack on a object to take the attention from others, usually done at large family gatherings or birthday parties.

Can you believe that Jake Z put his ballsack on Timmies rocking horse while everyone was trying to sing Happy birthday. I seen that what a ballsack brat, I don't care if there in the same class, next year we're not inviting him.

by Bare naked butcher September 24, 2020

Mobenz and mrs. Ballsack

Jackos biggest fans❤️

I. Think mobenz and mrs. Ballsack are plotting against me

by Pookielover234 May 26, 2022


Believing something you read becuase it's on the internet without seeing if it's from a verified account.

Did you hear that guy on ESPN say Tom Brady came out of retirement becuase LeBron texted him? That ESPN worker totally got ballsacked.

by TRMB1738 March 14, 2022

The Shaved Ballsack Drink

1 1/2 Parts Suntory Whiskey
Half Ounce Lime Juice
Half Ounce Triple Sec
Two Parts Passion Fruit Juice

Nick: “Yo Ryan you want to try The Shaved Ballsack Drink I made??”
Ryan: “WHAT?!”

by SirGrammarNazii May 26, 2023

Ballsack Shitter

When someone is being stupidly retarded in the most retarded faggot way, you call them a BallSack Shitter and, To return to the LGBTQ Community like the Fat Idiot they are!!!!

Stop being a Ballsack Shitter you fag.

by Stinky Monkey Man July 13, 2022

Buttering my Ballsack

To make one mad

Person 1: *is annoying*

Person 2: Stop buttering my ballsack!

by StudMastaFlex34 July 10, 2023

Nibba ballsack

It's literally just a song

Have u heard that song nibba ballsack

by Nibbakden February 3, 2020