Source Code

jason bennett


jason bennett is plat

by afpsgsd[ginooAPMKFJAOF March 18, 2021

keanu bennett

keanu bennett is a guy who is really cute and thinks he looks like shit at school. he has obly a couple of friends and is normally left out in a friend group he doesn’t relate to

omg are you keanu bennett?”

by stanjakesimforclearskin May 13, 2022

Mat Bennett

to spend money frivoulously, take an action without anythought of the consequence, be too much, or any of the above to a woo a girl

Man, I’m going to pull a mat bennett on this chick.

The other James got mat bennett drunk and got kicked out of applebees.

by hegh420 November 10, 2021

Bennett van der Veen

A young man, normally that with an amazing set of dirty blonde hair and brown eyes... is what I'd like to say but all he has going for him is his hot ass girlfriend who takes care of him constantly.

Wow, I want to have Bennett van der Veen as my boyfriend. I'll be his sugar momma!

by PineAppleRon May 7, 2021

franklin bennett carlton

a funny guy who is attracted to hippies and has a kink for gingers and has the biggest dick imaginable
he is super nice and lemme just say so is that dick
he is funny as hell and is a druggy but that is why you love him
he pisses his pants hourly and poops his pants every minute
hes the best man and gets all the pussy he can

hes kinda stupid and gay

Damn, I got lucky enough to get a Franklin Bennett Carlton

by bruhwhatsgoingon January 10, 2021

hillary bennett

Nice loveable girl who is super sweet but has her moody days. She wishes she has boobs but she is a (.l.).

Hillary Bennetts' moody days...

Hannah- Hey, What's up?
Hillary Bennet- SHUT- UP

Next Day.....
Hannah- Hey!!!
Hillary- You like my boob job?

by EVERYDAY BRO July 14, 2017

Bennett fordney

If your name is Bennett you're already stupid and gay, but when you add Fordney it gets 1000000000000000 times worse.

"Hey have you seen Bennett Fordney?" "Oh, that stupid mf? yeah i seen him he dumb asf"

by snatgodlover666 November 12, 2020