George Bush's puppet. Has won three general elections, despite being proven to be a liar. Has sent many young men to their deaths over an unjust war in Iraq, in order to ensure an oil supply for America and to finish the job that bush's dad failed. Married to the most heartless bitch in the world, who has a mouth strangely shaped like a letter box. Nicknamed by some as "Teflon Tony" due to the fact that nothing could stick to him, but that seems to be wearing off as his party proves itself to be more and more corrupt. In short he is a crunt
"Unconditional love is doing whatever another person wants, always being there for them and helping them when they're low - much like Tony Blair's love for George Bush"
68๐ 119๐
UK PM - Labour Party
aka useless
i once bombed iraq you know john the killer now
82๐ 148๐
Advocate of the most far right interpreation of thatcherite ecomomic policy, coupled with being a champion of the most extreme left wing trostkyite social policy. Has literally driven England into the ground. Within two terms of office, Tony 'Marxist Gangster' Blair, has allowed the UK to be flooded by the garbage of the third worlds teaming shores.
Tony Blair - Englands number 1 Prickless Cunt.
Tony Blair - Englands number 1 Prickless Cunt.
81๐ 149๐
Peter Mandelson's bitch.
Reponsible for bollocksing up Britain. Enjoys getting butt-fucked by Europe. Appointed the biggest cretin in political history to be his second in 'command'. Wife is an evil profit-whore. History will show that he and his filthy government were an utter disaster for the UK.
Tony Blair won 3 general elections. Only because there were enough people stupid enough to vote for him.
75๐ 137๐
Tony Blair is George Bush's sidekick and he (tony blair) will do anything for their master (george Bush) for eaxample: store nucluar weapons or invade a country george Bush dislikes at the time (which is now Iran)
tony blair is to george bush like robin is to batman.
66๐ 120๐
The type of girl who looks like she would bang a homeless guy for a packet of biscuits.
'Hey did you see that girl passed out on the street with a packet of Oreos up her ass?'
'Yh she musta been one of them Blaire White chicks'
274๐ 557๐